It takes a village..

Since Boy 1 started year 6 in September, he’s been walking to school with some friends. No adults. Just the four of them. Alone. None of them have mobile phones. I should be worried, right? His group of friends are great boys. Friendly and polite, but not in an “it’s always the quiet ones” kind…

Aaaand relax…

Trying not to stress about the ever-changing demands of motherhood

High school decisions are tough!

So, it’s nearly the end of another academic year. Boy 1 will be going to year 6, while Boy 2 will officially be a pre-schooler. This means in September we’ll making big decisions about high school applications and to be totally honest I’m sooo scared! It’s such a big decision. Boy1 is studying for his…

Happy new year!

Ok, so I’m more than a week k to 2018, but thought I’d wish everyone a happy new year! No new resolutions for me, I’ve come to the conclusion at this age that if I need to wait til January to fix something in my life, it probs my isn’t that important to me. Change…

Christmas traditionology. What do you do?

This week, I saw a tweet from someone questioning their partner’s plans for Christmas morning, with an air of shock, confusion and let’s be honest, disgust. This got me thinking, how many people really discuss their Christmas traditions with a partner? I mean actually discuss, rather than reminisce and how do you then decide which…

The Christmas juggle – bad mum style

So, December is well and truly here. My social feeds are full of images of people’s perfectly pruned trees and Santa visits, and my social life resembles that of pre-kids me (but my bank balance certainly doesn’t! 😩). This brings a whole new dimension to my ongoing need to juggle through life as a parent,…

The week I stopped parenting…

Two weeks ago today, I was stood at Manchester airport departures waiting to board a flight for a weekend in Barcelona with friends. Yep, you read that correctly. I was going away with FRIENDS. No husband, no kids, just me, in the Spanish sun. Seriously, yay me!! But I didn’t make it. I ended up…