REVIEW: Stay, Play Explore Warwickshire

So, summer 2020 looks a little different to how we’d envisaged it at the start of the year. I’m sure many of you are in the same boat. The coronavirus pandemic and increased local restrictions in Greater Manchester has really impacted us: Big family wedding in Ireland – cancelled A week of travelling around and…

No childcare nightmare here

I’ve read so many Facebook posts, tweets and articles about the nightmare of childcare over the summer holidays. 6 weeks of bliss for kids, equating to 6 weeks of logistical stress for parents. Boy 1 has nearly finished his primary education and I’ve never had this stress. Then I realised. It’s not because I’m able…

Kids and gigs

Should you take your pre-teen to a concert? Here’s my thoughts

Happy (euro) campers

So we made it back to Blighty after our French road trip and what a trip it was. I have to say I’m a complete Eurocamp convert – having never done this kind of holiday before. We’ve driven to France before and always find it fairly easy. Well, I find it easy because hubster does…

Should we ban cruelty in kids’ films?

Earlier this week, the new Peter Rabbit film got people talking. Not about how good or bad the remake of this Beatrix Potter classic is. Not about whether James Corden should play the cheeky little rabbit. Not every about why he walks around butt naked but wears a jacket. It was something more serious than…