Still juggling, in a whole new circus…

Yep, lockdown is still with us. It’s been 100+ days since I was last in my office. Oh my office, where I could sip hot tea – that someone ELSE has made for me; have client calls in peace, chit chat to colleagues; read complete articles in newspapers; go out for coffee and just generally…

M.O.Y.O is back!!

Last year, along with my friend Lynda, we launched Mane of Your Own, a podcast about afro hair. It’s more of a passion project than a side hustle, but it we really enjoyed engaging in and sharing conversations about afro hair. From Afro Hair in the workplace, to raising children with afro hair and even…

School’s out forever!

His final week. Primary school done. We’ve had countless ‘lasts’ – assemblies, performances, photos, trips, discos – schools seem to really know how to drag these things out. But whilst I’ll of course miss the big events, it’s the loss of little things that will have the biggest impact. No more holding hands to cross…

Return of the Mum Guilt

It’s back. The guilt. The worry. The constant self doubt of working motherhood. It’s been a busy and challenging time at work with lots of pressure, trips away, late nights and generally having to be ‘on it’. Every. Single. Day. Then we’ve hit the home straight of year 6 for Boy1. Yep, SATS week was…

It takes a village..

Since Boy 1 started year 6 in September, he’s been walking to school with some friends. No adults. Just the four of them. Alone. None of them have mobile phones. I should be worried, right? His group of friends are great boys. Friendly and polite, but not in an “it’s always the quiet ones” kind…