When this is all over

We will truly respect the idea of personal space, but relish the joy of human touch. We will realise that distance really doesn’t need to keep people and relationships apart. We will TALK. On the phone, on a screen and yes, in person. We will remember just how important it is to connect with loved…

School’s out forever!

His final week. Primary school done. We’ve had countless ‘lasts’ – assemblies, performances, photos, trips, discos – schools seem to really know how to drag these things out. But whilst I’ll of course miss the big events, it’s the loss of little things that will have the biggest impact. No more holding hands to cross…

No childcare nightmare here

I’ve read so many Facebook posts, tweets and articles about the nightmare of childcare over the summer holidays. 6 weeks of bliss for kids, equating to 6 weeks of logistical stress for parents. Boy 1 has nearly finished his primary education and I’ve never had this stress. Then I realised. It’s not because I’m able…

It takes a village..

Since Boy 1 started year 6 in September, he’s been walking to school with some friends. No adults. Just the four of them. Alone. None of them have mobile phones. I should be worried, right? His group of friends are great boys. Friendly and polite, but not in an “it’s always the quiet ones” kind…