Still juggling, in a whole new circus…

Yep, lockdown is still with us. It’s been 100+ days since I was last in my office. Oh my office, where I could sip hot tea – that someone ELSE has made for me; have client calls in peace, chit chat to colleagues; read complete articles in newspapers; go out for coffee and just generally…

School’s out forever!

His final week. Primary school done. We’ve had countless ‘lasts’ – assemblies, performances, photos, trips, discos – schools seem to really know how to drag these things out. But whilst I’ll of course miss the big events, it’s the loss of little things that will have the biggest impact. No more holding hands to cross…

Aaaand relax…

Trying not to stress about the ever-changing demands of motherhood

Happy (euro) campers

So we made it back to Blighty after our French road trip and what a trip it was. I have to say I’m a complete Eurocamp convert – having never done this kind of holiday before. We’ve driven to France before and always find it fairly easy. Well, I find it easy because hubster does…

The Christmas juggle – bad mum style

So, December is well and truly here. My social feeds are full of images of people’s perfectly pruned trees and Santa visits, and my social life resembles that of pre-kids me (but my bank balance certainly doesn’t! 😩). This brings a whole new dimension to my ongoing need to juggle through life as a parent,…

This Mum Really Does Run!

So earlier this year, I decided I really wanted to improve my fitness and try something new. I’d started to fall out of love with the gym, which ultimately meant I was starting to fall out of my jeans. After a couple of colleagues from work talked about doing Couch to 5k, I decided to…

9 lessons from 9 years of parenting

Boy 1 has just entered his last year of single digits. I never really saw it as a ‘thing’ when I was younger, but it really has struck me just what a milestone turning 10 is and how much I have learned from my first few years of being a mother. Not just the cliched…

The week I stopped parenting…

Two weeks ago today, I was stood at Manchester airport departures waiting to board a flight for a weekend in Barcelona with friends. Yep, you read that correctly. I was going away with FRIENDS. No husband, no kids, just me, in the Spanish sun. Seriously, yay me!! But I didn’t make it. I ended up…

Review: Total Ninja (toddler session) 

I’ve noticed a few Groupon offers for a place called Total Ninja in Trafford Park. Given Boy1s obessesion with obstacle courses etc, I checked out the website. OMG a genuine Ninja Warrior style obstacle course. In Manchester (screams).  Then through a random Facebook group I discovered they have launched weekday toddler sessions, so just had…