It takes a village..

Since Boy 1 started year 6 in September, he’s been walking to school with some friends. No adults. Just the four of them. Alone. None of them have mobile phones. I should be worried, right? His group of friends are great boys. Friendly and polite, but not in an “it’s always the quiet ones” kind…

Should we ban cruelty in kids’ films?

Earlier this week, the new Peter Rabbit film got people talking. Not about how good or bad the remake of this Beatrix Potter classic is. Not about whether James Corden should play the cheeky little rabbit. Not every about why he walks around butt naked but wears a jacket. It was something more serious than…

9 lessons from 9 years of parenting

Boy 1 has just entered his last year of single digits. I never really saw it as a ‘thing’ when I was younger, but it really has struck me just what a milestone turning 10 is and how much I have learned from my first few years of being a mother. Not just the cliched…

My son is black, he needs to know 

I have a nearly 8 year old son. He’s handsome, funny, smart, caring. He makes us proud. But in recent months I’ve become increasingly aware of the difficult conversations I’m going to have to have with him. Aside from the puberty and girls chat (eeek! Think I’ll leave those to hubby!) there’s a somewhat more challenging…